Thursday, October 21, 2010


You often experience pain during menstruation? I'm sure most women will answer "Yes". Painful menstruation or called dismenorhea, sometimes can make the sufferer was helpless. The cause of pain during menstruation because of the hormone prostaglandin which usually unstable during menstruation. But there also occur due to cervical cancer. If this one really horrible ... There is good news for those of you who often experience pain during menstruation. Recently there was a study conducted by Dr. S. From Tarbiat Modarres University Ziaei, Iran, has revealed that Vitamin E may reduce pain during menstruation. This study involving 100 high school students aged 16-18 years. All respondents are known to experience stomach pain before menstruation with the pain of mild to severe. Then Dr. Ziaei half of the respondents were asked to take vitamin E at least 5 tablets per day, two days before and three days in a row since the first day of menstruation. While others are given pain pills from a variety of brands.As a result, the group taking vitamin E did not experience pain during menstruation. While the group remained pain pills when the pain relief effect is lost. Vitamin E is known to be very good for women's health, ranging from skin and beauty until the anti-oxidants. On the market a lot of vitamin E in circulation. Choose the natural vitamin E oil, wheat shoots institutions vitamin E in it is very high, also better because it naturally. This can you make a solution to your health during menstruation. Vitamin E is also good for the health of pregnant and lactating mothers. If women want to be healthy, beautiful, full of vitality and free of course, painful menstruation, taking vitamin E could be the perfect solution. Please try ...

Monday, October 11, 2010

STROKE? Do not worry..

Stroke is a condition where the brain tissue death due to reduced blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Stroke itself is divided into two, the first is stroke due to blockage of blood vessels (ischemic), the second is a broken blood vessel stroke (hemorrhagic) so that blood flows to other parts of the brain and cause damage. Most of the strokes that occur in society is a stroke blockage (ischemic), the amount is about 80%.
Stroke can not be separated from high blood pressure (hypertension), usually the patient initially experienced high blood pressure. Arteries of the heart leading to the brain is usually damaged. Could be caused by a blood clot (trhombus) along the arterial line causing a blockage or tear the vessel wall. Hardening of blood vessel walls can also cause high blood pressure, this usually happens due to aging, like a hose already full of moss it increasingly hard. But the most the cause of stroke, of course, cholesterol. This one word we hear very often and a lot to make people frightened. But the strange man was still full of life-style every day of cholesterol, eat red meat, offal, chicken pieces, oil, crab, egg and so on. So ... it was that bad? Yes .. it's really. It is nice meals are usually a lot of cholesterol. Continue how ya? What 's looked delicious not allowed. Do not protest!! . Not so, but first we must check our health, blood pressure, heart rate and our LDL cholesterol. Well .. if the our health condition is OK, not a problem. But if not OK, so what should be made to prevent first? It's so pity if young had a stroke. Now that you know already a lot of young people who had a stroke. Some months I often meet with people with stroke from the golden generation. One was in Pasuruan, East Java, a new age of 32 years but have got a stroke three times and conditions are now completely paralyzed. The first stroke occurs when a new age of 27 years. It's regarded as too young artist who had a stroke . If face unformed who would? Guaranteed not sell ...In addition to high blood turned out to people with low blood pressure can also get a stroke .. How did it happen? This happened to my own mother. It was my mother's blood pressure 95/60 mm Hg. Well this time my mother a headache in the eye area and if made to stand the environment becomes dark. Finally my mother ate 10 sticks of goat satay. After that my mother had a stroke directly with blood pressure of 155/100 mm Hg. His face was paralyzed. The doctor said the increase in blood pressure suddenly could also stroke. But after eating foods containing resveratol my mother recovered within 3 months. 

Every stroke patient, eating foods containing resveratol can make the body become healthier. Even, healthier than before got a stroke. Resveratol now uses in many hospital all around the world. Because it's very good to open the blood circulation. One of famous hospital is Moon Elizabeth in Singapore. Truly.. It's proven...

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Substance crust is first extracted from the hard-skinned the animals, by a French scientist Ojier in 1823. Crust such as is commonly found in crab, shrimp, insects and the fungi. Leather crab and shrimp are washed with dilute alkali solution to remove the crust from the lime. After that is the substance left over crust. In substance there is an element butylosar crust that are beneficial to human body. Crust substances insoluble in acid or alkaline, poorly absorbed by human body. This substance called chitin.  

Cancer killer in the chitin is a potent butylosar strengthen the body's immune cells, activate the lymph cell viability, raising the PH value of body fluids that are more alkaline. In general, cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. This is the secret why chitin can kill cancer cells. Butylosar also have the ability to stick to the molecules on the surface of cells inside blood vessels. Thereby preventing cancer cells attached to the cell surface. The biggest danger of the cancer is spreading and transitional. Butylosar is capable of pressing nature of this transition and has been recognized by biologists various countries through different ways. For patients with tumors and cancer would prefer herbal chitin that is because there are a few that turned out to still contain chemicals which of course is not good for people with cancer. By using chitin, a lot of people with advanced-stage cancer that even that can be recovered using. Some of them are our own friends in Indonesia. Want to know the story of cancer survivor? wait for the next post OK. I'll peel all.This is really a great news for people with cancer. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Five Element Theory is the most popular theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This theory helps people understand how natural changes within body and outside environment affect peoples health. Proponents of this system use the relationship of five elements and the meridians or channels of energy in the human body to bring forces back into balance.
The five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. They were selected based on the observations of ancient oriental philosophers who theorized that the natural world embodied these elemental characteristics. Oriental Medicine uses this time-tested, diagnostic model to analyze how the various parts of a person's body and mind interact to affect health. 
These relationships are illustrated in the Five Element Chart below, which shows how each element is related to specific aspects of your body and mind.

Element Organ Bowel Surface Part Opening Trait Mental Part Taste
Water Kidneys Bladder Bones Ears Fear Will Power Salty
Wood Liver Gall Bladder Nerves Eyes Anger Mental Activity Sour
Fire Heart & Sexual Glands Small Intestine Blood vessels Tongue Arrogance and Impatience Intuition, Joy, Peace Bitter
Earth Spleen & Pancreas Stomach Muscles Mouth Worry Pondering Sweet
Metal Lungs Large Intestine Skin Nose & Sinuses Sadness Orderliness and Rightness Spicy
The above chart is a static illustration showing the different body/mind relationships associated with each organ. To get a sense of the dynamic nature of these interactions, let's look at how these elemental forces generate and regulate energy (qi) in nature, and by extension, in the human body and mind.

                                                                          Source :


What is cancer? 
Cancer comes from the Greek, Karkinos (crab), which means the formation of new tissue is not normal and malignant. Cancer can also be interpreted as a group of cells with a sudden became wild and multiplies continuously. In addition, cancer is the growth of cells that suppress the body's tissues, so that will affect the function of organs.                                                                                                                                           
Who are the potential for cancer? 

Earth type; potentially cancer
Anyone can develop cancer, of any ethnic group can be affected by cancer. However, cancer is generally more common in old age (45-64). Special to leukemia, can strike an early age. Family history also affect a person has cancer or not. Usually there are hereditary factors, such as breast cancer, colon cancer and cervical cancer. But this time not only the emergence of cancer genetics. Unhealthy lifestyle is the biggest culprit today. Currently, many substances that are carcinogens that can cause cancer. Here are the things that most commonly cause cancer: preservatives, dyes, aromatic amines, asbestos, carbon black, alcohol and drugs. In addition there are some viruses that can cause cancer such as hepatitis B and C viruses (liver cancer), papilloma virus (cervical cancer), Elipstein Barr virus (nasopharyngeal cancer), sarcoma virus, HIV virus and others. Based on the method of Chinese palms, earth types potentially affected by cancer. You can read the older post 'Looking at health through the palms' 

Natural healthy lifestyle can prevent cancer 
According to the National Academy of Science, the cancer can be avoided with the following behaviors:
  1. Reduce the fat content in food consumed
  2. Eating more fiber such as vegetables, fruit and rice
  3. Consuming foods rich in beta carotene such as carrots, spinach, and orange fruits
  4. Reduce smoking and eating foods that are preserved, salted and smoked
  5. Avoid exposure to direct sun by wearing a hat and sunblock
  6. Avoid changing sexual partners
  7. Avoid alcoholic drinks too much
  8. Early detection of cancer by examination
In addition there are some Chinese traditional material that is very effective to prevent and treat cancers: Cordyceps sinensis, Chitosan, Gymnostemma, green tea and Lycopene.Cancer is deadly, but many people experience healing as Chinese herbal medicine.



The first Emperor of Qin Dynasty, Qin Shiihuang (221-206 BC), who conquered all the small kingdoms in China and build the first Chinese empire, suffering from exhaustion due to overwork. Then he ordered the doctors to discover the secret of longevity. At first, the doctors combine 
a variety of herbs to strengthen the heart. But after in-depth comparisons, they finally concluded that the herbal gymnostemma as the best for health.  Gymnostemma unknown has 84 kinds of saponins (sap) included in the class of phytochemicals. These chemicals are very good for health and fitness. Then the doctors make the formula gymnostemma in tea. Since then gymnostemma known as "magic herbal" because the properties that can strengthen the heart and longevity.  

Against gout and rheumatism:
Can treat gout and rheumatism who had chronic and does not go away. Some testimony indicates those who suffer from two diseases can be cured in a very short time (less than a month).
Against the blood:
  1. Purify the blood and fat triglycerides
  2. Lowering blood fats and blood concentrations
  3. Lowering blood vessel hardening index
  4. Increase levels of HDL / regulate the amount of protein fat                  
Weight Control
Gynostemma has developed a large following in Asia in weight control programs. It has a double direction efficacy regarding body weight. It will help reduce weight in overweight people and help slim people and athletes to gain weight. It helps adjust blood sugar levels and reduce blood fat (hyperlipidemia) which are vital steps in attaining healthy metabolic function. Gynostemma helps maintain healthy bowels. It acts as a cleanser in the stomach and intestines, eliminating the body of toxins and waste.
As an antioxidant, gynostemma boosts the immune system by increasing the number and activity level of white blood cells. It strengthens the digestive system by assisting in liver function. It helps relieve stress by soothing and relaxing the central nervous system. It is calming when one is overexcited and stimulating when one is depressed. Studies have shown that Gynostemma is useful in a number of neurological conditions, including depression, anxiety & stress.

Anti cancer
Studies into the anti cancer activity of Gynostemma have shown a significant inhibition rate on a broad cross section of cancer cells. Intensive studies are being conducted into both its anti cancer activity and its potential as an immune protection / prophylactic agent for HIV infected patients. There is research indicating that Gynostemma may prevent cells from becoming cancerous in the first place and may disrupt cell division in existing cancer cells.
The local call it "Miracle Tea"
Gynostemma contains many amino acids, vitamins and minerals that are healthy to the human body, including calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc and more. The locals who cultivate & consume Gynostemma call it 'miracle tea'

Against the eye 
Gymnostemma able to improve vision impaired. Gymnostemma even able to reduce the cylinder eye. If consumed in the long term even able to normalize the eyes of the cylinder. 

Saturday, October 2, 2010


The origins of dragon fruit 
Has anyone know the history of dragon fruit? and why is called Dragon fruit?  let's discuss for increasing knowledge of us all. Dragon Fruit or this is a type of cactus from the genera Hylocereus and Selenicereus. The fruit came from Mexico, Central America and South America but now cultivated in Asian countries like Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and including in Indonesia. In 1870 this plant was brought by French people of Guyana to Vietnam as an ornamental plant. By Vietnamese and Chinese men is considered a blessing. Therefore, the fruit is always placed between two small green dragon statue above the altar table. The red color of fruit so markedly between the colors green dragons. From this habit of fruit was among the Vietnamese who greatly influenced Chinese culture known as the thang Loy (dragon fruit). Vietnamese people are then translated in Europe and other countries who speak English as a dragon fruit (dragon fruit). 

Benefits of dragon fruit  

Lowering Blood Sugar Levels
By consuming a red dragon fruit (250 grams) every morning and evening for eight consecutive days will lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. During eating dragon fruit should be patient stops taking the rice or other high carbohydrate foods.   

Softens skinAccording to some experts of traditional Chinese medicine, in Chinese culture the dragon fruit believed to smooth the skin so it appears more beautiful, but it is not used to treat deadly diseases such as cancer or heart disease. Dragon fruit both to cope with the heat because it is cool. 

Inhibiting Tumor Cell GrowthSavor the dragon tree is not located on the fruit but the leaves and fruit skin. Rosario Vargas Sols The results of the Laboratorio de Investigation Fitofarmacologia Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana de Xochimilco Mexico showed that the chloroform extract of the leaves contain a white fleshed dragon fruit pentacyclic triterpene compound taraxast-20-ene-3a-ol and taraxast-12, 20 (30)-dien- 3a-ol. Both compounds were shown to protect rabbit blood vessel flexibility. Researchers estimate the efficacy of both compounds were almost equal troxerutin one micro vascular protective drug on the market. The drug was beneficial to reduce the risk of rupture of blood vessels.The in vitro results do Li-chen Wu, researcher Department of Applied Chemistry, National Chi Nan University showed that the extract of red flesh dragon fruit skin has the potential to inhibit the growth of B16F10 tumor cells at doses of 25 grams. 

Lots of usefulness? You are right. With so many properties, the price of dragon fruit was classified as very cheap. That's why this fruit is so popular, especially in developing countries. The price of 1 kilogram of dragon fruit in Indonesia for about $ 2. One kilogram of dragon fruit usually contains 2-3.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Cordyceps live in the highlands of Qingzhang 3,500 metre above sea surface, is a combination worm and grass. During the winter of cordyceps is in the land, living like a caterpillar, in the summer out of the soil to grow into small plants.Cordyceps has a very strong life force, the food is the root and plant a small plateau. In the process of growth in the soil for two years, he can survive without food for a long period. Resistant to cold weather and thin oxygen. 

Cordyceps is reminiscent of the most famous Mongolian emperor, Genghis Khan. He is the founder of the largest empire in the world. Surprisingly, Genghis Khan's first defeat when fighting soldiers and horses in the highlands of the Tibetan plateau southwest region of China.Local soldier and horseman in the area have the stamina and strength greater than the army of the famous Genghis Khan malignant. Later it is known that the rider and horse eat cordyceps as their daily food. From there known cordyceps very good for health.

Some work has been published in which Cordyceps sinensis has been used to protect the bone marrow and digestive systems of mice from whole body irradiation. An experiment noted Cordyceps sinensis may protect the liver from damage. An experiment with mice noted the mushroom may have an anti-depressant effect. Researchers have noted that Cordyceps has a hypoglycemic effect and may be beneficial for people with insulin resistance. 

Against the lungs:
  1. Treat various respiratory system disorders such as: cough, shortness of breath, asthma, colds, tuberculosis and other lung diseases.
  2. Overcoming hypoxia
  3. Strengthening of weak lungs and improve the function of the mechanical force of lung cells. 
Againts the heart and blood vessels:
Can suppress the accumulation thrombosit, the pressure is 13.3% - 48.5%, which is the anti-clotting in blood vessels of the heart.
Against hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver: 
Cordyceps indirectly improve liver function, very valuable as a preventive medicine liver cirrhosis. Today both China and around the world still lack a potent drug against liver cirrhosis. Import of drugs known as immune regulator inhibitor was not ideal for people Asia, besides the price is much higher than cordyceps.
Kidney and sexual health:
  1. Cordyceps may improve the ability of kidney structure cell mechanism, launched a urine spending, reduce and improve the smooth vessel disease and kidney bubbles, nor repair the damage caused by drug use. Pressing chronic infection and high phosphorus blood disease.
  2. Treating kidney stones with a fast, frequent urination at night and urine poisoning. Capable of treating disease and even kidney failure who had undergone dialysis.  
On the health of blood:
  1. Does not contain hormones or stimulating substances.
  2. Pressing the trhombosit (up to 48%).
  3. Against blood diseases, skin diseases, triggered by purple spots trhombosit 
Resistance of the body:
  1. Cordyceps is a substance naturally immune regulator. Regulator of immune function is two-way, but can boost immunity, also provide immunity controlling power to people with excessive immunity.
  2. Cordyceps is one of the best natural antibiotic in the world. Being able to increase endurance and reduce inflammation. 
Against viruses and toxins in the body:
  1. Cordyceps can kill any germs that cause disease.
  2. Improving the production process of white blood cells.
  3. Increasing resistance of body cells against the oxidation process.
  4. Efficacy of toxin destruction cordyceps is gentle and non-toxic, no heat and can improve the function of the mechanical style liver cells, kidney, lung and overall metabolism.
  5. Cordyceps able to remove the remnants of a toxic drug in the body.
Against tumors and cancer: 
Cordyceps is one of the world's greatest invention for tumors and cancer. Currently, many cultivated cordyceps because of the substance contained in it could kill tumor cells and cancer. 

Friday, September 17, 2010


Chinese medicine has known for more than 5000 years old. Science was widely used until now because the method is very simple but accurate enough to know the description of human health in general. One of the most popular method is the concept of balancing the five elements. The five elements are fire (heart), wood (liver), earth (spleen), metal (lung) and water (kidney). Five elements were clearly illustrated in the human hand. Apparently according to Chinese medicine, the human hand consists of five types. Each type describes the existing five organs in the human body. Five types of hands are:
  1. Fire type

Round palms; fingers pointed
People with this type palms have an emotional character. Usually happy and angry. This type have often calm the mind. The things that often arises is thrush, insomnia and nightmares. While the health problems experienced or will experience are: the blood supply to the brain is inadequate, hardening of the arteries of the brain, there was thrombus in the arteries of the brain, brain vessels rupture, frequent headaches, stress, hypertension, increased blood fat, coronary heart disease, clogged arteries heart, chest tightness, shortness of breath, chest pain, difficult defecation, disease in the small intestine and so forth.   

    2. Wood type 
 People with these types of palms such as irritable character. There are 2 types of palm wood:
  • Wood-Metal 

Long palms; long fingers; thin leather palms
Health problems that have occurred or will occur are: fatigue, hips and knees were weak, sometimes right rib pain, feeling cold continues, big desire but little energy, depression, sunken eyelids, dry eyes, blurred vision, watery eyes if exposed to wind. color blindness, retinal disorders, cataracts, vision nerve infection, bloated stomach, gall bladder infections, gall stones, high liver fat and so forth.
  • Wood-Earth
Long palms, long fingers, rather thick leather palms
Health disorders who have experienced or will be experienced by hand with this type is: often emosianal especially anger, anxiety, bloating after eating often at the bottom of the rib, red eyes, often feels hot, like the eye ball out or down, lower eyelids enlarged, bloated stomach, gall bladder infections, gall stones, high liver fat, liver tumors, liver inflammation, cirrhosis, liver cancer and others.

      3. Earth type

Square palms and fingers
People with type of earth has the character's hand to bring peace and health. Life tends to calm down. When old age mostly had problems in the brain. Health problems that have occurred or will occur are: easy abdominal pain and diarrhea, dry mouth and lips, cold and stomach bloating, stomach down, often spitting, digestion and absorption of a weak, thin body or sometimes the opposite of obesity, impaired capillary blood vessels, muscles shrinking, potassium deficiency when getting old, not muscle-powered, anemia, low blood, tumors, etc.

     4. Metal type
Soft and little palms
People with type metal palms are often a lot of thought, often dreamed and feared. When depressed, they often do extreme. Their lungs are also weak and often experience flu. Health problems that have and will occur are: red blotches on the skin, panu, coarse face pores, sensitive skin, red nose, breast edema, nasal infections, flu, easy sleepiness, fatigue, hoarseness, runny nose, a lot sputum, difficulty defecating, hemorrhoids, bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, lung cancer and so forth.

    5. Water type
Thick and plump palms
People with this type of palm that is thought to have a mature character. If they can maintain their physical and spiritual life can be long. Kidney is the organ most frequently experienced problems. Health problems that have occurred and will occur are: osteoporosis, hyperostosis, lower body fat, waist and back are often sick, sometimes it was hard as a board, stress, menstrual blood is often dark, sometimes there is blood clots, pain during menstruation, facial breakouts, intelligence declines, uterine tumors, cysts, hard to hold urine, the male sexual appetite declines, fat, easy rocking teeth, swelling of the legs and thighs, rheumatism, urinary tract infection, ear buzzing, not sleeping soundly, timid, prostate disorders, failure kidney, kidney stones and so forth.

This method is 99% accurate to detect the disease, especially congenital disease. But if everyone would always experience pain in accordance with the palm of his hand? Of course not always, but most are like that. Currently most of the diseases caused by unhealthy lifestyles, junk food, cigarettes and electronic radiation are the main causes. At least we can maintain what we have to reduce, especially food.


For your family