Saturday, October 2, 2010


The origins of dragon fruit 
Has anyone know the history of dragon fruit? and why is called Dragon fruit?  let's discuss for increasing knowledge of us all. Dragon Fruit or this is a type of cactus from the genera Hylocereus and Selenicereus. The fruit came from Mexico, Central America and South America but now cultivated in Asian countries like Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and including in Indonesia. In 1870 this plant was brought by French people of Guyana to Vietnam as an ornamental plant. By Vietnamese and Chinese men is considered a blessing. Therefore, the fruit is always placed between two small green dragon statue above the altar table. The red color of fruit so markedly between the colors green dragons. From this habit of fruit was among the Vietnamese who greatly influenced Chinese culture known as the thang Loy (dragon fruit). Vietnamese people are then translated in Europe and other countries who speak English as a dragon fruit (dragon fruit). 

Benefits of dragon fruit  

Lowering Blood Sugar Levels
By consuming a red dragon fruit (250 grams) every morning and evening for eight consecutive days will lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. During eating dragon fruit should be patient stops taking the rice or other high carbohydrate foods.   

Softens skinAccording to some experts of traditional Chinese medicine, in Chinese culture the dragon fruit believed to smooth the skin so it appears more beautiful, but it is not used to treat deadly diseases such as cancer or heart disease. Dragon fruit both to cope with the heat because it is cool. 

Inhibiting Tumor Cell GrowthSavor the dragon tree is not located on the fruit but the leaves and fruit skin. Rosario Vargas Sols The results of the Laboratorio de Investigation Fitofarmacologia Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana de Xochimilco Mexico showed that the chloroform extract of the leaves contain a white fleshed dragon fruit pentacyclic triterpene compound taraxast-20-ene-3a-ol and taraxast-12, 20 (30)-dien- 3a-ol. Both compounds were shown to protect rabbit blood vessel flexibility. Researchers estimate the efficacy of both compounds were almost equal troxerutin one micro vascular protective drug on the market. The drug was beneficial to reduce the risk of rupture of blood vessels.The in vitro results do Li-chen Wu, researcher Department of Applied Chemistry, National Chi Nan University showed that the extract of red flesh dragon fruit skin has the potential to inhibit the growth of B16F10 tumor cells at doses of 25 grams. 

Lots of usefulness? You are right. With so many properties, the price of dragon fruit was classified as very cheap. That's why this fruit is so popular, especially in developing countries. The price of 1 kilogram of dragon fruit in Indonesia for about $ 2. One kilogram of dragon fruit usually contains 2-3.

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